Friday, June 13, 2008

Why Learn Chinese?

Why Learn Chinese? There so many reasons for you to learn chinese.

1) Do you know that 1/4 of the world's population know how to speak chinese?
People always thought that only the population in China speak chinese but that is not true. Countries like Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia or even places where the chinese communities settle and congregrate speak chinese.

2) Booming of Chinese Economy
With the booming of chinese economy and culture, many people learn basic chinese for their business, this will greatly solve the problem of communication.

3) Greater job opportunities
Many students or working adults are starting to learn basic chinese so that they can find jobs in various fields with having more choices to choose such as translator, tourism,education or even for business convenience if their future job require them to travel occasionally to china.

4) Immersing yourself in Chinese Culture
Chinese Culture is totally different from the westernize culture. Traditional Culture like martial arts, buddhism or even chinese calligraphy.

5) Learn Chinese for convenience of travel
If you know how to speak chinese, it will greatly help in your communication when it comes to buying , ordering of food or even asking directions when you travel to chinese speaking countries.

So start now and learn basic chinese today with Rocket Chinese.

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