Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How To Speak Chinese - Count Your numbers from 1 to 10

Count your numbers from 1 to 10.

One - 一 pronounce as YI

Two - 二 pronounce as ER

Three - 三 pronounce as SAN (sounds like sung)

Four - 四 pronounce as SI

Five - 五 pronounce as WU

Six - 六 pronounce as Liu

Seven - 七 pronounce as QI

Eight - 八 pronounce as BA

Nine - 九 pronounce as JIU

Ten - 十 pronounce as SHI

Mandarin Chinese has four pitched tone. To understand and differentiating the tone, it is best to accompanied it with an audio help. Rocket Chinese comes with 5 different components to help you identify the tones, words, meanings and the usage of the words. Want to know more than this? Visit: How To Speak Chinese With Rocket Chinese

Monday, June 23, 2008

How To Speak Chinese - Simple Chinese Phrases

Hello - 你好 pronounce as Ni Hao
Goodbye - 再见 pronounce as Zai Jian
Good Morning - 早上好 pronounce as Zao Shang Hao
Good Afternoon - 下午好 pronounce as Xia Wu Hao
Good Night - 晚安 pronounce as Wan An
Thank You - 谢谢你 pronounce as Xie Xie Ni
My Name Is Rocket Chinese - 我的名叫 Rocket Chinese pronounce as Wo De Ming Jiao Rocket Chinese

Do you want to learn more chinese phrases? Visit: Rocket Chinese for more information.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ways To Learn Chinese

When it comes to learning chinese, there are a few things that you must focus on such as the Tone (Pin Yin), Strokes for writing and the meaning. These are the some of the ways to learn chinese yourself.

- Buy a learn chinese software, books, english to chinese dictionary.
To start off learning chinese, you definitely need a guide. It is best to choose guide with audio lessons and of course the meaning explained clearly. Buy a dictionary for checking the meanings of certain words that you come across.

- Practise hard and learn through with the guide.

- After learning for about a month, try to watch chinese movies with english subtitles. Make sure the movies that you watch speaks in chinese(mandarin) not Cantonese. Many people mistaken cantonese as mandarin.

- If you have chinese friends, try to communicate with them in chinese.

With the steps mentioned above repeated again and again, you will soon be able to speak and understand Chinese.

Need a Chinese Guide? Click Here.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Learn Mandarin Chinese For Teens

Are you thinking of letting your child learn mandarin chinese but yet do not want it to be too stress for them? How about Learn And Play at the same time?

Many school kids fall asleep during lessons and gradually lose interests in their studying. Many school kids find that paying attention during class is becoming more and more difficult as the styles of teaching from the teacher are too boring. Rocket Languages realise the point and wants to make learning new languages easy and fun.

How to learn chinese easy?
  • Use rocket chinese as your guide.
  • Instead of letting your child learn chinese alone, why not learn together with them. Participate and play the MegaAudio and MegaVocab Software Learning Games together.
  • Interact in chinese together with your children
  • Practise and play quizzes together
  • Listen to the audio lessons provided inside and try to speak the words after listening.
  • Watch chinese dramas or listen to chinese songs.
  • Do not be afraid to ask questions if you do not know. Nobody will laugh at you. Post your doubts in the Rocket Chinese Forum and seek for help if you do not understand.

With continous of fun and learning together, it can create a closer bonding and also at the same time speak a new language!

Visit Rocket Chinese Guide for more information.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rocket Languages Vs Rosetta Stone

Comparison of Rocket Languages Vs Rosetta Stone... Which one is better? Well, both of them have their own uniqueness and benefits. However, if I were to choose one between this two, I would choose Rocket Languages.

Why did I choose Rocket Languages?
Firstly, it is CHEAPER... How cheap? Rocket Languages is priced at $99 but Rosetta Stones products are priced at $219 for 1st level and that is a difference of $120. Well, I could have buy another language product from Rocket Languages at that price. As for Rosetta Stones, I have to pay more for progressing into each individual levels.

Secondly, Rocket Languages have a free 6 days course before I decided to buy the product.

What are the disadvantages of Rocket Languages over Rosetta Stone?
Although Rosetta Stone is much more expensive for their whole package, they have a longer period of product guarantee which is about 6 months, whereas Rocket Languages is only 2 months. Beside that, Rosetta Stone offered more than 30 different languages and Rocket Languages is only offering Rocket Chinese, Rocket Spanish, Rocket German, Rocket French, Rocket Japanese Rocket Italian and American Sign Language at this moment.

Features of Rocket Languages
- 31 Interactive Audio Lessons
- 31 Grammar and Culture Lessons
- MegaVocab Software Learning Game (For easy remembering of more than 1000 words in a few months)
- MegaAudio Software Learning Game (Understand the words better)
- Member's Forum
Cost: $99 (After 67% Discount, Usual: $299)

Visit Rocket Languages

Features of Rosetta Stones
- 3 different levels of learning
- Combination of text, audio and pictures
- Students progress into each level to learn grammar and vocabulary
Cost: $549 for 3 levels

Visit Rosetta Stone At Amazon

If you decided to try Rosetta Stone, I would recommend you to Visit Rosetta Stone At Amazon because it is priced much more cheaper. After all, which one have you decided? Rocket Languages or Rosetta Stone?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Rocket Chinese Review - Is it worth to buy?

Is Rocket Chinese worth to buy? Well, here are my personal reviews on Rocket Chinese.

Here are the components that are included in Rocket Chinese
- 31 Interactive Audio Lessons
- 31 Illustrated Grammar and Cultural Lessons
- MegaVocab Software Learning Game
- MegaAudio Software Learning Game
- Rocket Chinese Learner's Forum

31 Interactive Audio Lessons
The most basic criteria for a learn chinese software should include audio lessons. Although it is quite common that most chinese language software includes audio lessons but not all the audio lessons in the market are recorded by a native speaker, hence pronouncing the word correctly may be an issue. I think Rocket Chinese has strongly addressed this issue by having the audio lessons pre-recorded it professionally and beside that, it also provide transcripts of the conversations so that you can keep up with the lessons.

31 Illustrated Grammar and Cultural Lessons
Another basic criteria of a good chinese language software is to allow you to understand the grammar and the culture so that you will know when and what to say whenever it is neccessary. I think Rocket Chinese have done it well by providing detailed information with steps by steps instructions.

MegaVocab Sofware Learning Game
When it comes to learning a new language, we may face many obstacles in remembering or understanding the words. Many times, we always hope that we can find the best ways to remember the words. It may be quite dry and boring of memorizing the words in using the traditional ways like writing the words many times on a piece of paper. However, MegaVocab Software have made the learning process interesting and fun, the ability of our brain will absorb and memorize the words faster when you are learning in a happy way. Of course, end of the day, nobody wish that learning a new language can be an added stress.

MegaAudio Software Learning Game
There are many different sounds in chinese words. With the help of MegaAudio Software Learning Game, you will be able to understand the words in a short period of time

Rocket Chinese Forum
It is quite common that you will meet up with difficulties when you are learning a language that you have not come across. Rocket Chinese Forum made it easy by having this member's forum so that you can post your doubts in the forum when you need a solution.

Overall, with the resources and information provided in the Chinese language Software, i think pricing it at at 67% discount which is only $99 is considered quite cheap.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Rocket Chinese

Ni Hao, Wo Shi Rocket Chinese! (Hello, I am Rocket Chinese!) Are you thinking of learning a new language? Learn Spanish, Japanese, German or how about learning how to speak chinese? Learning how to speak, write or even read chinese is not easy. It is not a language that we can mastered it over night or over weeks. However, learning how to speak basic chinese in 2 or 3 months time is possible. It all depend on how hardworking you are in learning chinese.

Today, I am going to introduce you one of the most cheapest and helpful learn chinese software. It is Rocket Chinese.
So, you must be thinking what is so great about this product? Is it just a Learn Chinese Audio that have pre-recorded chinese conversation inside? NO....

Rocket Chinese have all the requirements that are needed to learn chinese. They have made it easy and fun with all the helpful components inside.

These are what you will be getting:
1) 31 Interactive Audio Lessons
2) 31 Illustrated and Culture Lessons
3) Remember tons of words with MegaVocab Software Learning Game
4) Understand spoken chinese with MegaAudio Software Learning Game
5) Gain access to Rocket Chinese Learner's Forum and Rocket Languages support

Overall, to give rocket chinese a review, I think the components inside are quite sufficient for you to learn basic chinese, at least you will be able to understand and speak with confidence as long as you practice hard. As a chinese myself, I know being able to read, write or even speak chinese can be quite tough as the sounds and strokes of the chinese characters can be quite complex. In all, I think Rocket Chinese had addressed most of the common difficulties making it easier and also fun with their games. Beside this, Rocket Chinese comes with a 8 weeks product guaranteed.

I have also surveyed and found out that comparing Rocket Chinese software with other softwares in the market, they are considered one of the cheapest based on the information and materials given inside. Some of the similar products that are in the market right now are even priced much more higher ranging from $210 to $549 for a full set of the chinese language package. Needless to say, in terms of comparing Rocket Chinese than hiring a chinese tutor. It is definitely cheaper.

CLICK HERE to start your learning with Rocket Chinese.

Why Learn Chinese?

Why Learn Chinese? There so many reasons for you to learn chinese.

1) Do you know that 1/4 of the world's population know how to speak chinese?
People always thought that only the population in China speak chinese but that is not true. Countries like Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia or even places where the chinese communities settle and congregrate speak chinese.

2) Booming of Chinese Economy
With the booming of chinese economy and culture, many people learn basic chinese for their business, this will greatly solve the problem of communication.

3) Greater job opportunities
Many students or working adults are starting to learn basic chinese so that they can find jobs in various fields with having more choices to choose such as translator, tourism,education or even for business convenience if their future job require them to travel occasionally to china.

4) Immersing yourself in Chinese Culture
Chinese Culture is totally different from the westernize culture. Traditional Culture like martial arts, buddhism or even chinese calligraphy.

5) Learn Chinese for convenience of travel
If you know how to speak chinese, it will greatly help in your communication when it comes to buying , ordering of food or even asking directions when you travel to chinese speaking countries.

So start now and learn basic chinese today with Rocket Chinese.