Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How To Speak Chinese - Count Your numbers from 1 to 10

Count your numbers from 1 to 10.

One - 一 pronounce as YI

Two - 二 pronounce as ER

Three - 三 pronounce as SAN (sounds like sung)

Four - 四 pronounce as SI

Five - 五 pronounce as WU

Six - 六 pronounce as Liu

Seven - 七 pronounce as QI

Eight - 八 pronounce as BA

Nine - 九 pronounce as JIU

Ten - 十 pronounce as SHI

Mandarin Chinese has four pitched tone. To understand and differentiating the tone, it is best to accompanied it with an audio help. Rocket Chinese comes with 5 different components to help you identify the tones, words, meanings and the usage of the words. Want to know more than this? Visit: How To Speak Chinese With Rocket Chinese

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