Friday, June 13, 2008

Rocket Chinese

Ni Hao, Wo Shi Rocket Chinese! (Hello, I am Rocket Chinese!) Are you thinking of learning a new language? Learn Spanish, Japanese, German or how about learning how to speak chinese? Learning how to speak, write or even read chinese is not easy. It is not a language that we can mastered it over night or over weeks. However, learning how to speak basic chinese in 2 or 3 months time is possible. It all depend on how hardworking you are in learning chinese.

Today, I am going to introduce you one of the most cheapest and helpful learn chinese software. It is Rocket Chinese.
So, you must be thinking what is so great about this product? Is it just a Learn Chinese Audio that have pre-recorded chinese conversation inside? NO....

Rocket Chinese have all the requirements that are needed to learn chinese. They have made it easy and fun with all the helpful components inside.

These are what you will be getting:
1) 31 Interactive Audio Lessons
2) 31 Illustrated and Culture Lessons
3) Remember tons of words with MegaVocab Software Learning Game
4) Understand spoken chinese with MegaAudio Software Learning Game
5) Gain access to Rocket Chinese Learner's Forum and Rocket Languages support

Overall, to give rocket chinese a review, I think the components inside are quite sufficient for you to learn basic chinese, at least you will be able to understand and speak with confidence as long as you practice hard. As a chinese myself, I know being able to read, write or even speak chinese can be quite tough as the sounds and strokes of the chinese characters can be quite complex. In all, I think Rocket Chinese had addressed most of the common difficulties making it easier and also fun with their games. Beside this, Rocket Chinese comes with a 8 weeks product guaranteed.

I have also surveyed and found out that comparing Rocket Chinese software with other softwares in the market, they are considered one of the cheapest based on the information and materials given inside. Some of the similar products that are in the market right now are even priced much more higher ranging from $210 to $549 for a full set of the chinese language package. Needless to say, in terms of comparing Rocket Chinese than hiring a chinese tutor. It is definitely cheaper.

CLICK HERE to start your learning with Rocket Chinese.

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